Friday, 18 September 2015

Narrative Theory

Sources of Stories in Society

-TV Programmes
-Social Work
-Gossiping with companions

Vladmir Propp

Propp was a Russian scholar who analysed the basic plot components of Russian folk tales to identify their narrative elements. He concluded that all characters could be resolved in 7 character types which are; the hero, the villain, the donor (the person that gives the hero something that helps the hero,) the princess or price if the hero of the film/television programme is female (the price or reward for the hero for completing his or her task

  1. The hero
  2. The villain
  3. The donor- they give the hero something that helps the hero
  4. The princess- Normally a prize or reward for a hero
  5. The helper
  6. An authoritative figure. For example, the princess' father. These characters are also give rewards in some instances
  7. False hero- Someone in a production who attempts to claim glory for the hero's work.

Toddorov's Narrative Theory

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