Monday, 2 November 2015

Can My Music Magazine Fit the Ideas of The Rolling Stone Magazine?

The Rolling Stone magazine categorize their audiences through utilizing demographics. Demographics are investigations into a population focusing on factors such as age, race, sex, economic status, level of education, income level and occupations etc. Demographics are used by governments, corporations and non-government institutions to gain a better understanding of a population's characteristics for many purposes like audience research for instance.

I can fit my magazine to their ideas but only to a small extent. The Rolling Stone magazine's audience from what I have gathered when reading through reading the demographics section of the publication, the magazine is aimed at mass audience as, their ages range from ages 18-24 to ages 55+. My target audience is solely young adults (14-30 years of age.) Other demographic factors as mentioned above such as race, sex, economic status, level of education, income level and occupations are not relevant in answering the question 'Can my magazine fit with the ideas of the Rolling Stone Magazine' are irrelevant as, regrading race for example, if an audience member enjoys the genre of hip-hop their ethnicity should not determine whether or not they listen to that style of music. However, especially for Caucasians, it stereotypically expected that they enjoy genres of music normally created by individuals of their own race such as house, rock or popular music, just as black person is more likely to enjoy and relate to hip-hop, reggae or music of African descent (afro-beats)

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